Thursday, March 29, 2012

The moment I wake up...

Was lying in bed thinking about having to get up in the morning at 5.30 am to go to uni. And then decided to come up with 10 reasons to get out of bed in the morning. 

1. Everyone needs to pee eventually. After not peeing for a good eight hours that's one of the first morning rituals for me. 
2. To squeeze that pimple that wasn't ready the night before. Gross but true for so many. 
3. Uni. If I didn't go then id get bad attendance and then id fail my course which would lead to not getting a degree and therefore limiting my future career choices big time. Its not that I want to, its that I have to. 
4. If its a Sunday usually I eventually need to run to the toilet to hurl. Dont tell me im gross. I know you all do it. Some lazy bastards keep a bowl by their bed so they Dont have to get up. Smart thinking. 
5. Sounds super lame because I never used to be a cat person but, to see my cat. God I've got a promising future. 
6. Work. The word we all hate. 
7. Its new Years and time to start drinking as soon as you get up. Alcohol wins over sleep ins in this case. 
8. Guys here's one for you. A reason you "get up" (excuse the pun) in the morning? Ya got a chick lying next to ya. Meh, why not. Better put the morning glory to use. 
9. Walk/run time - cant be a fat shit.
10. You've woken up in an unfamiliar bed, with an unfamiliar face next to you and an unfamiliar naked body. Whoop look at that its Sunday and Sunday is family day you tell them. Sorry!

Ten reasons I don't get out of bed: (Very rarely)
1. My phone and charger is right there. 
2. I have a remote for my TV and DVD player. 
3. The joys of being single - my laptop stays on the other half of my bed. 
4. Dark you say? Iv got a bedside lamp bitttttches. 
5. Wanna see if its a nice or rainy day? My curtain is arms length away from me. Rainy day? Dont mind if I do stay in bed another two hours thanks!
6. Cuddles on offer? Why the hell would you get out of bed when there is spooning on the cards. 
7. Its cold. No thanks ill be staying right here!
8. This applies to around 2-5am in the morning: The boogie monster is under my bed. Screw risking that shit for a toilet or water stop. 
9. To all females: Your boyfriend dumped you. Obviously lying in bed all day crying, eating, not showering and feeling sorry for yourself is the best answer. Yes that will definitely show him he's made a huge mistake. Especially with that that matted hair look and over grown eye brows. God its sexy! Definitely don't get up...
10. Your Hungover - The reason we get up to go and throw up in the toilet is the same reason we stay in bed all day and don't get up. Ironic.

Bit of a different topic but everyone loves a good blog listing pointless shit every now and then. Sleep well people. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Thanks for making me a fighter.

This blog is quite personal and I have no idea where its going to go so just bare with me people. Tonight I was out taking a run/walk and the song fighter by Christina Aguleria came on. For those who haven't heard it, its about how that person has made you stronger, wiser and an overall fighter. Over the past two years me and my family have been through quite a bit of shit. And that's putting it nicely. Iv had people there to talk to, aunties, my dad, my close friends but I always worry im boring them with the same crap. The song got me thinking about how an event can change some one and even when its bad something good can come out of it. Thanks to what's happened over the past couple of years I have a wonderful relationship with my father and brother, im ten times closer with all my aunties and iv grown up a hell of a lot. I know some of you will be laughing and thinking "shes made a shit load of mistakes in the last two years, that's not growing up". Think what you want but I know and the people that are close to me know that iv matured a lot and become my own individual. So to the person whose altered my life id like to thank you for making me stronger wiser and an overall fighter because even though its ended something for good and broken hearts, its started a new chapter where the people you have affected are all a hell of a lot stronger and ready for the future. All its done is prepared me for the next battle in life and shown me I will come out better than I went in.

This next part goes for everyone. If a friend or family member needs someone to talk to but your sick of hearing the same problems from them try to think about when you have stuff going on and need someone and what its like. Whether its boyfriend problems, friend problems, family issues or them just feeling crappy, its important to them. Emotions are a bloody strong thing that takes over us all sometimes so its good to have that person to go to. Dont under estimate what your listening will do for that person. You don't need to say anything and you've done something already just by sharing the load of that problem and listening. Its no longer just in their head but you share it too now and trust me it helps.

Sorry to the readers who clicked expecting something funny, but I do have a serious side as well and decided to go ahead and show it tonight. Everyone has problems, don't be afraid to talk about them with the ones you love. Cause if they don't wanna sit down, hear it and be there for you, they shouldn't be a loved one.

Use the people who doubt you, put you down or talk bad about you as a push to do better and show them all whose boss.

Cheers guys.

Check out the song im talking about here.

Make over madness!

Felt like my blog needed a bit of change so gave it a funky font, new color and new background. I think its a bit more fun :) A bit more me. Hope everyone's enjoying the blog and if you ever have any suggestions about what you'd like to see me write about then just email me or leave comments on the blogs. The views are going sky high almost everyday now so its good to know im writing to an audience. Also thinking about being a Jenna marbles wanna be and starting a video blog as well. Thoughts on that?

Keep reading!

Over and out,

Bit of humour below to keep your Tuesday going.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Slumber Parties

Back in the day slumber parties/sleep overs used to be when a group of girls would bring their P.J's and watch girlie movies, eat to much crappy food and then tell scary stories perhaps. Well, Saturday nights sleep over with my friends Becca, Jordan and Laura was a little different. Sure it had the movies and chips and dip. But there was no scary stories.

Instead our slumber party started off by watching twilight:breaking dawn and turning everything into something about sex. Laura was highly disappointed with the "sex scene" in it because she wanted to see them "go hard". I was saying that Jacob would definitely fall in love with me if he ever saw me followed by Laura saying "Awkward we are already dating..."

After the movie we decided pilates would be fun. It consisted of Becca videoing Laura pushing my legs down into the splits and Jordan pissing herself laughing. Dont ask me how but that some how turned into showing each other the best sex positions. They consisted of reverse, Pakistani pile driver and the infamous upside down blow job. The upside down blow job was acted out by me lying on the couch upside down and pretending to choke, the reverse was done by Laura jumping on top of Becca and Jordan showed us how to be on top but still make him do all the work.

I was texting a guy mate of mine at the time and he told me we were all fucking nuts. And that it was truly sad that it was a Saturday night and we were watching movies and doing pilates. When I told him we were discussing sex positions the replies stopped. Boys must think girls are so screwed up. Even I was looking at us thinking we are an odd bunch.

After endless laughing Becca's parents got home and sat in the lounge with us for a bit. Geordie shore and jersey shore was on and snow (her dad) kept saying "Where's Kim?" as in Kim Kardashian. Ah wrong show snow.

Then we went to bed. Jordan and Becca were in one room and Laura and I in the other but when we got in bed me and Laura thought it was prank calling time so we called Becca and told them to come into our room. All of a sudden there were four girls in a super king turning caller id off my phone and choosing choice people to call. A lot of them didn't pick up, others text saying "you piece of shit don't prank call me" - Cheers matt, which I just thought was funny cause most know at 12.00am on a Saturday it will be me. Except this time we were sober! Good old warren answered straight away and after my first line it was "Hey Dewey." Apparently I have a distinct voice. The only one that went along with us was our trooper of a girlfriend, Olivia Swart. So thanks lil for making our night. The conversation went something like this: (Nanny/Janice accent) Hi there this is patricia from sex are us. We are just calling to update you on the fact that your dildo is due for a new warrent of fitness. We also have the monthly special of six butt plugs for just $99.99. The porn range out this week is "girl on girl" or "Big black dick", we are aware of your wanted discretion so when it is sent to you it wont be labelled sex are us but instead beautiful flowers.

All in all the slumber party was R18 rated instead of good old PG but much needed girl time took place and im grateful I have girlfriends I can be an idiot around and also just chill out. Its good to know we can have as much fun sober as we do drunk.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Iphone bliss!

Today i'm going to talk about something that is very VERY important to me. The aim is not to start a battle between technology but share with everyone who is missing out on such awesome devices. My iphone. I started off with a 3Gs and now i have the 4s. Iv had my new 4s for about four months now and been in the iphone family for around a year and a bit.

I was fiddling around with my friend Natasha's iphone last year and instantly got hooked onto the whole touch screen thing. I had tried other touch phones before but found them all to hard to use or slow to react to the touch sense but playing on her phone was easy and fun. So we went down and got me one. From then on pretty much i was hooked.

What do i like about it you ask? I wouldn't have a clue where to start but ill try and structure it in a readable way. Having a phone which enables you to download apps is amazing. My internet banking is literally one slide away. The only downfall to that is when Im out drunk I shouldn't have my savings account at my fingertips. Then theres the whole camera thing. Not having to cart around a camera where ever I go is so useful and my phone produces good quality pictures so i'm happy with that. Theres heytell when you cant be bothered texting, facebook anywhere you are, email right there, its my alarm clock, i read the herald from it, get movie times and a tone of games including the latest craze of "draw something".

My laptop broke last december and I didn't have one for three months and I survived just fine without it because i had everything i needed in the palm of my hand anyway!

I never knew that something the size of an average hand could make my life so much easier. I know there are people out there that don't have them and think people have them just for an image but i personally put that down to them not having one and not being able to see for themselves just how convenient it is to have one of these contraptions. I know people that have samsung smart phones to and i think they are sufficient as well. Like i said this blog isn't a debate about which smart phone is smarter, i'm simply outlining how i benefit from my iphone and i know friends do as well.

Hours of amusement, convenience at the finger tips and you wont quite know, until you get one yourself, just how handy the buggers are. We live in an era of smart phones and stupid people.

Apple should hire me. Just saying.

Over and out homies.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hairy legs, cuddles and fire!

Winter. A bit of a bitch really.

But like every season I reckon it has its perks as well. Me and my grandmother were talking about which we prefer the other day: Winter or Summer. I actually surprised myself by replying with winter. I dunno if its because I was born in July and that's the heart of winter but i do tend to love it. No the walking up queen street while its pissing down part isn't fun at all, nor is straightening your hair and the moisture in the air curling it up again within five minutes. But, the fashion is amazing. Long gorgeous coats, boots and merino. The cuddles never get to sweaty and gross because its so flipping cold. The soup with home made bread is awesome. And the fire going at night and lights being on during the day because its dark outside is awesome. I love the feeling of being tucked up in bed listening to the rain and knowing your safe and warm inside. Home made cocoa is another plus in winter and when the mink blankets come out.

On the more disgusting outlook of it girls don't have to shave their legs nearly as much as summer because leggings, jeans and stockings are whipped out, hair is fixed by chucking on a beanie and blusher doesn't run out cause we just go with the natural red cheeks from the wind. Although the power bill is never a nice thought its worth it when you wake up and your room is toasty warm from your heater. And just a fun fact for the day, guys are more known to get into relationships in NZ during winter cause its not close to new years where they need to go be single with the boys and they love a good cuddle on a rainy night.

Dont ask me where my sudden thought to write about winter came from, I was just staring out the window looking at trees go mental in the wind and thought I wonder how many people hate winter while I love it. Happy snuggling everyone.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The HCG Diet - Deweys Official 21-Day Diet Diary

So I'm doing the HCG diet. For those of you who dont know what that is then google it but basically its a fast way to loose a couple of pounds and then work on keeping it off. Iv decided im going to keep what I can imagine will be a very entertaining diary on what's going on with me each day during this diet. Bearing in mind im only allowed five hundred calories a day plus the HCG drops that I take so pretty much nothing if you ask me.

The first two days were binge eating on anything i possibly could. I wouldn't have a clue why but if you look it up on Google it tells you the scientific reasons for doing so. Resetting the clock on your body or something. Anyway I thought id love that part but turns out i just felt full and sick the whole time so glad that's over!

Day 1 of diet: Ate my chicken salad (without dressing) for lunch. It has to be exactly one hundred grams of meat and one hundred grams of salad. Very particular. Then dinner I had tuna and salad. I went to dancing and barely survived but managed to get through it. Had an apple as a snack. DAY ONE CONQUERED!

Day2: Bitch. Shit. Mother F**ker!!! I'm so over this and its only day two. Iv walked past about ten fast food joints on my way to uni. Had to imagine my apple was a frickn big mac. I will not give into temptation. My family are having home made fish and chips with salad. Hunger pains isn't two bad. One kg down already which I put down to all the water im drinking (around 3 litres a day).

Day 3: Hunger pains are going away and becoming less and less each day which is good. Dropped another kg today so two so far however im getting so bloody sick of the same food. Im going to purchase a water melon and different flavoured tuna tonight cause im sick of it. Struggling to drink as much water as i have to but trying to slowly gulp it back! Iv also been doing some research on how snooki lost so much weight and i must say she is my new thinsperation.

Day 9: Skipped a few days writing in here cause they were all very much the same. Except day 7. God it was horrible, i spent the whole day on the couch dizzy and shaking but i seem to be okay now. I have lost in total 5 kgs now :) I have five to go! Wooo! Had chiken salad as usual and for lunch vogels toast with tomato. All is going well except im scared im going to run out of drops as i have less than half a bottle left! Hopefully they last atleast another week.

Day15: Not long to go now. Except the last five days have been a bit of a drag. I have only lost 6kgs in total which is good but experienced a bit of a stall in my weight loss. Very frustrating to see the scales stay the same but its better than going up i guess!! Ordered more drops because mine have officially run out so hopefully they will be here tomorrow.

Day 19: Day 21 was meant to be my last day of the diet but because of last night i decided to stop it two days early. I was a friends house when i went to get up and go to the loo and felt like throwing up, dizzy, going in and out of focus and shaking. Broke out into a sweat and then completely blacked out while walking to the couch to lie down. My body was definitely telling me it had had enough. My friend told me to drink some juice for sugar and I felt so ill I did straight away in hopes of feeling better. Sure enough I was regaining energy and chirping up a bit within ten minutes. So Thats why I decided on cutting the diet two days short.

In nineteen days iv lost 7.5 kg s so im stoked. Gunna loose another 3 Kg s by maintaining a healthy diet and gyming it four times a week with my girl Mooney. The main thing for anyone who is going to try this is remember after wards you cant just eat what you want. You have to maintain a healthy diet and regular exercise.

My opinion: Personally I wouldn't highly recommend it to anyone because its not a very healthy way to do it. The days you feel low on energy sucks but then again other days are great. You have to have very strong will power. It took everything I had not to quit. And don't cheat, it sets you back so im told. Dont get me wrong it definitely works, its just its shown me a thing or two about extreme dieting. Im happy with how much I lost but a few more and some toning and ill be even more happy, don't wanna loose those curves though! Bring. It. On!

Good luck to anyone Thats gunna try it. If you need support feel free to email me, trust me I know how hard it is! Im off to dancing to burn some more fat :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Rebekah The Author.

Iv decided im going to write a book. Im yet to decide what its going to be about but it will be targeted at an audience of around 18-25 years old. With my blog's sometimes I just start typing and it develops into a topic so with a little planning for this book I hope to do the same. I want to take snippets out of my friends and families lives and use it to develop a story about someone. Of course I wont be using the same names as them and each scenario will be a little different. I wouldn't have a clue how its going to turn out and it probably wont go anywhere in terms of being published but hey I love writing and I think it will be a lot of fun.

Will keep you updated on how I go.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Twenty one.

Feels like yesterday that I was planning my 13th birthday party that no one turned up to. Kidding... Kind of.
And now, its time to plan a not so classy twenty first. It would be classy if i were having a quiet dinner with family but my friends will be there which means too many shots, horrifying speeches and falling over while dancing. So yup its gunna be a great night!

Iv spent the last hour sitting on here looking at dresses, venues, different cake ideas and food for it because what's a party without a good leg of ham and some buns. Haven't really decided on a lot yet but then again it is still four and a half months away and im a little bit of a planning freak.

With a lot of my friends turning 21 this year its safe to say its definitely going to be a crazy crazy year. So this is just a quick blog to express my terrible excitement for the good times ahead.