Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hopscotch, School bells & Waterbombs

My closest friends that know all about my lovely child hood will laugh at this knowing im making it public to whoever reads, but after stumbling across some old photos i cant help but to take a walk back down memory lane.

Childhood. Ahhh yes. For most, its a time to cherish. To remember the memories of making your first group of friends at primary school, doing your first school production, wearing matching things with your best friend. Yeah i have all those memories. I made a cool group of mates, i was the star in my school productions (of course!) and i wore the same thing as my best friend every day by organizing it on the phone prior to school. But did you guys eat big macs at the age of seven? Did you get water bombs thrown at you on your last day of school and the only come back you had was "mmm refreshing."? Did all your mates ditch you because you cut ALL your hair off to look like a girl at school, only for it to end up looking like a boys hair cut? Mhmm welcome to my childhood, aged 7-11.

Okay so i may be over reacting and making it sound worse than it actually was. My first boyfriend was called Matthew Young and i was in love.. Pity he didn't like me back and the only way i could get his attention was by stealing his glasses. Yes, he was a nerd. So after a my first nasty break up in year three i moved on to better things in year four. I had now secured myself an awesome group of mates and we climbed trees at interval and played marbles. Little did i know i was about to loose my marbles. I met a boy, Kerry Hebden (Praying to the lord above that no one i name ever reads this), and he was luuuuusssccccious! Top athlete in year four, hair-do like Jhonny bravo the cartoon and the cutest face i had ever seen. But then, Kodi Newson came along and he was just to good to pass up! Up to that point im pretty confident i was the coolest chick at Pukekohe Hill Primary, then i had to go and ruin it all by making a pros and cons list of each boy. I cant even remember who i settled on all i know is one went crying off to the toilet and the other just completely ignored me even though i had bloody chosen him! Point to my story? Everyone thought i was a horrible cow and ignored me.

This some how led me to start eating big macs at my cousins birthday parties at Mc Donald's, and get water bombs thrown at me on the last day. For a short while i was playing "elastics" by myself using chairs but i could only go up to a certain level before the chairs weren't tall enough.

After a couple of months and a very lonely friendless summer i was more than stoked to be starting at Strathallan college and now, thanks to Georgia Bramble, have a very entertaining group of friends out east ways. I just hope they dont start throwing water bombs at me, but the big macs... well they know ill never part with that.

Photo is of me at one of my best moments when i was a lot younger. Dont even know how i had friends looking like that.

Oh but such beauty now!

Yes Howick losers, This blog spot was dedicated to you all. Wouldn't change anything.

Social suicide or are we all in this together?

Connecting people together or ruining individuals?
Technology is the way of the future so iv been told, but does that mean spending up to five hours a day on the internet in one sitting? Does it mean only being able to tell people how you really feel by typing it with your fingertips? Is it the idea that we can have a profile all about us yet still manage to hide behind it? Or better, is it a chance for people to show off by putting hoe bag photos up and having over ten albums named "modelling."

Some would call social network sites social suicide, others would call it a fantastic way of keeping in touch with family or of letting the world know you've run out of credit. It sounds like im having a dig at the people that do do these things but im not, cause im one of them. 

Its easy to upload or say things on the site because you dont have to put up with immediate reactions from people. You can devise a witty response, (although i already have very fast come backs face to face) or edit a photo album before you post your drunken saturday nights. Make them brighter and get rid of those drunken eyes, soften the pixels and make the sweat from that dance rave less obvious, or photo shop out that cigarette you dont want your dad to be "disappointed" about. 

Ahh yes technology is fabulous but is there a point that we will become to intoxicated from it and over-do our daily intake? The term square eyes used to come from my parents when i watched to much t.v but i think for people our age the computer is becoming our new box. I, along with many others, need to take it easy on the internet. Maybe then we would get our essays done faster and even maybe get better results from it because we didnt stop every second mid sentence to join another group or chat to our mates. 

Click the sign out button and go read a book. Promise ill do the same... 

Monday, May 30, 2011

Lets take a look into the future...

Yes im back, and this time im committed to actually writing on this frequently. Writing things down helps me make decisions, call it whack but its what works for me. Lately iv been thinking about the future and what i actually want out of it. Call it the end of my teenage years breakdown. Here are my options:

I stay at uni in a degree im not particularly enjoying and im even considering if i want to have this as a degree... i work full time until the end of the year potentially climbing the ladder there and build up credibility... or i go to the private makeup school and learn about what i love most. Yes i know how it sounds, dropping out of uni to go to beauty school? Try explaining it to my dad who is one of the smartest and traditional men i know.

Make up and hair isnt just a girly thing to do on saturday nights before you go out and hit the town. There are so many career options in this industry. Special effects, catwalk/runway, television, stage/theater, balls and weddings, evening opening your own business.

People tell me im crazy if i leave uni this far into it and i probably am, but i do wanna finish it, just at a time i know ill actually apply myself and give a shit. Hopefully it all starts to shape out pretty soon!