Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Social suicide or are we all in this together?

Connecting people together or ruining individuals?
Technology is the way of the future so iv been told, but does that mean spending up to five hours a day on the internet in one sitting? Does it mean only being able to tell people how you really feel by typing it with your fingertips? Is it the idea that we can have a profile all about us yet still manage to hide behind it? Or better, is it a chance for people to show off by putting hoe bag photos up and having over ten albums named "modelling."

Some would call social network sites social suicide, others would call it a fantastic way of keeping in touch with family or of letting the world know you've run out of credit. It sounds like im having a dig at the people that do do these things but im not, cause im one of them. 

Its easy to upload or say things on the site because you dont have to put up with immediate reactions from people. You can devise a witty response, (although i already have very fast come backs face to face) or edit a photo album before you post your drunken saturday nights. Make them brighter and get rid of those drunken eyes, soften the pixels and make the sweat from that dance rave less obvious, or photo shop out that cigarette you dont want your dad to be "disappointed" about. 

Ahh yes technology is fabulous but is there a point that we will become to intoxicated from it and over-do our daily intake? The term square eyes used to come from my parents when i watched to much t.v but i think for people our age the computer is becoming our new box. I, along with many others, need to take it easy on the internet. Maybe then we would get our essays done faster and even maybe get better results from it because we didnt stop every second mid sentence to join another group or chat to our mates. 

Click the sign out button and go read a book. Promise ill do the same... 

1 comment:

  1. facebook is great.!
    If you are overweight, you can just post pictures of skinny people and tag them as yourself. Booya.!
    and if you’re a loser in real life you can create a new indentity for yourself and get some virtual friends… ( theres an idea)
    you can brag about yourself in status updates and ‘facebook stalk’ your ex’s new girlfriends to see if there prettier than you or not.
    So thank you facebook for inriching our lives and giving us a reason to get up in the morning.
