Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First impressions stick.

Tonight i thought id share with you a bit of a cute child hood story. Most of them lead to me having no friends but this one actually has a happy ending.

I guess it all started when i apparently walked out of the girls toilets with a head band and spikey hair. I scared the shit out of her and it amazed me that she was even old enough to be in year seven. She was little enough to be 8. Anyways, after trying to click with a certain group of girls in my class and miserably failing i approached the school dean when i was in sobbing need. Mr fletcher was his name. Think everyone had a crush on him. He was nice enough to sit down with me and ask what was up and what he could do to help. I told him that i didnt know if it was because of my spikey hair or that i was stealing girls yummy lunches (my peanut butter sandwiches on oat bread was gross) that i had no friends or if people were just getting the wrong impression of me. Ill be honest, i dont know what the hell i did to repel people from liking me in my first year of strath but if it was a sport i would have gotten an award at prize giving. So anyway, he asked me who, if possible, i would choose to hang out with if they would want to. I immediatly mentioned the 8-year-old looking girl who did back flips in a skirt lengthed down to her ankles. He told me he would see what he could do.

The next day i was hanging out with this young girl and her other two friends Mary and chontelle. At the time i didnt know they absolutely did not want to hang out with me and were forced to in the end by mr fletcher (i should really call and thank him for that) but i was having a ball. I had friends (well i thought i did), i stopped stealing nikitas lunch and finally had people to sit with at interval.

Well turns out mary had no problem hanging out with me but chontelle and the other girl did. Every day they would try and convince mary to run away or ditch me. They even told me to go out with a boy called richard cryer because i cried all the time. But one day the tables turned... Mary started to hate hanging out with me and the other girl started to think i was rather amusing, or funny, i dont know, she saw something interesting though i guess.

The next year we got put in a class with our two other friends, Lauren and kirsty and then years followed of being in more classes throughout highschool together.

To this day im still friends with the cute 8-year-old looking girl and to be honest, i dont know where id be without her. Thank you Georgia Bramble. Hopefully these days you hang out with me by choice :)

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