Monday, August 1, 2011

Pet Peeves.

Iv just come to realise that alot of tiny things irritate me in a huge way and i thought maybe writing them down would get them off my chest and maybe they will then go away or atleast calm my rage about them.

1. When a photo is blue tacked to the wall but one corner is peeled off, or the hole photo is crooked.
2. When a blonde wears black bobby pins or vise versa. Why? It just looks trashy.
3. When you have finished your meal around a dinner table and leave the knife in fork in an unfinished position. Its not hard to point both pieces of cutlery into the middle of your plate.
4. When the main feature of a ring isnt straight (diamond off centre), or when the back of a necklace can be seen.
5. When an item of clothing has one side hanging off the coat hanger. Its just plain annoying.
7. The silly faces people think they have to make as the inhale off of their cigerette. Like they are wincing in pain or something. If it hurts you should probably quit.
8. One word answers to texts. And dont accuse me of doing it my friends. I will only ever do it to you to prove my point at how ridiculous it is.

Hmm dont really feel any better about this but now that they are out in the open perhaps i can find ways to avoid running into these certain things. Bit of a pointless blog tonight but when i saw the bobby pins on a blondie at work today it got me thinking. Night ya'll.

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