Sunday, May 13, 2012

Teachers Pet

I want you to think about your high school crush. Better yet I want you to think about the teacher you perved on during class to make time go a little faster. I had one particular teacher crush at high school, unfortunately for me he didn’t arrive at my school until my 7th form year. However, it still made my final year at school much more enjoyable!

I know you’ve all had sneaky crushes on at least one person that has taught you. Whether it was the babe’n twenty-something female that wore tight pencil skirts and loose blouses, or the tall bald man that had such a kind personality and charming way. There’s always something about at least one teacher you have that gets ya.

I’m not going to name names but I will tell you why I had such a crazy crush over this particular teacher of mine. Of course all my close friends and people in the same class will know exactly who I’m talking about but I’m relying on you jokers to keep the giggles to yourself.

I’d just picked up this particular class in my last year and at the beginning I regretted my decision. Before my lovely teacher I had a very evil man teaching me this subject. For starters he didn’t know what the hell he was teaching, had the worst temper and got angry at all of us whenever we asked a question. After numerous complaints about the guy he finally left the school. Now I’m not sure if that was our doing or if he left on his own terms but we were all pretty happy to see the back of him. Then at the beginning of the second term my dream teacher walked through the doors. Hands down, the funniest teacher I’ve ever been in the presence of.

I think it was his humour that got me. Everyone knew within the first two weeks of him being there that I was completely smitten with the guy. And yes, he knew as well. Sometimes I’d put on my acting side and ask him when we were going to get married. One time he brought me lunch and I remember telling everyone that he was definitely interested. It got to the point where my wee obsession over him amused him and he eventually just went along with it.

The only bad thing about this class was he got quite upset at the lack of attention me and three other students gave him when he was trying to teach. It got to the point where he told us he would still mark us present on the role even if we didn’t show up. He said that the rest of the class could then perhaps learn something and we would be less disruptive if we weren’t there. He meant well and of course a small side of him was just teasing us so me and a good friend of mine turned around and told him we would definitely pass the paper. Well, we did better than pass. When we got our exam results back from Cambridge we went into school to show him especially. This was because we both got B’s (I think it was around 75%). He didn’t believe us until we whipped the piece of paper out to prove it. Now he tells his current students that if me and my friend can pass then anyone can.

On the last day of school we played a bit of a prank on him and went and brought some guppies. We put the guppies in his glass of water (he would always ask my friend to go and get him water) and sat back and watched him almost gulp down the guppies. His eyes popped out when he realised what was in his water and the entire class cracked up laughing.

When I go back to strathallan on the odd occasion I always make sure I track him down and give him a big hug.  He had a great combination of fun and seriousness in his class and I think that’s why I adored him so much. Obviously these are only some of the funny moments we enjoyed with him but it’s safe to say some of my best year 13 moments were in fact in that class room.

So there ya go, there’s a nice high school memory I have just shared with ya. Like I said we all had a teacher crush at some point, mine just happened to be when I was 18 years old and almost finished school instead of third form.

Just realised I’ve made it as obvious as I possibly can about who it is so what the hell, here’s a few photos of the hunk himself.

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