Sunday, February 19, 2012

Media distortion.

This blog isnt the easiest for me to post but hey ill take a leap and give it a go. Its a blog about what most normal chicks/women worry about. How they look, what they weigh and how other people see them. If you were to ask my group of guy mates and even some of my girlfriends what the most memorable thing about me is they would most likely respond "she has a massive rack". Quite true but doesnt mean i want it to be the most memorable part about me. Im a curvy chick, its in my genes but when my perky friends get more attention than my face i get jealous of them.

Today in the media there is such pressure for girls to be a perfect size 6. Now... people like me trying to squeeze into a six? Its just not gunna happen. Does that make me hideous? Uh no. People that call a size 12 over weight and fat are either drop kick shallow guys that you shouldnt wanna associate yourself with or someone that has a very big insecurity about themself so they try and put the focus on someone else.

I dont think anyone can ever completely love their whole self. (Apart from the most vein bitches out there). Whether it be their nose, their hips their legs or the sound of their voice there is usually always something that someone wishes they could change about themselves. Personally, i put it down to the media painting a picture of how we should be. Well sorry bout it but we weren't put on this world to all be the same.

Im not saying that every size six out there is a skinny bitch that us twelves are jealous of. No not at all, if your a size six thats naturally like that then embrace it girl! Show those legs off. Im just saying if your not meant to be that small its ridiculous to try to be. I know lots of small girls that eat whatever they want and just dont put on weight. You honeys are blessed with an amazing metabolism. However curvy girls also have it going on. Simply look at all the songs people sing or rap about these days: I like big butts and i cannot lie, booty booty booty booty rock it everywhere, you love my lady lumps, my milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard the list goes on.

Point to this blog? All im saying is its pretty hard to walk into a room with confidence when this world is so influenced by the media to be judgemental towards a girls image. I think everyone has atleast one thing about them thats gorgeous and i think whether your a size six or a size 16 your beautiful. Dont believe its not true just because its coming from one of your girlfriends instead of a guy in a club or pub. They are dick heads that go home and only have there hands to keep them happy usually anyway and most of the time those dick heads dont have much to wrap their hands around hence why they are jerks. Compensating for something.

I dunno, think what you want of this. Could be "Shes totally right" or could be "shes only saying this cause shes one of the curvy ones" i dont really care as long as im getting high views :)

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